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Exam Code : 642-583 - Oct 1,2024
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Exam Code : 642-583 - Oct 1,2024
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Exam Code : 642-583 - Oct 1,2024
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Exam Code : 642-583 - Oct 1,2024

642-583 SSSE
Security Solutions for Systems Engineers

Exam Number: 642-583
Associated Certifications: Cisco Security Solutions and Design Specialist

Exam Description
The 642-583 SSSE exam tests a candidate's knowledge of Cisco security products and product positioning and where each technology fits in the design of an integrated, collaborative, secure network. Topics covered include Cisco Security Appliance (ASA), ASA, IDS/IPS, VPN, Security Management, CS-MARS, NAC Appliance, Cisco Ironport and Scansafe web security.

Exam Topics
The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the Security Solutions for System Engineers exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

Describe the threat landscape and goals of security engineering
* Describe basic risk management principles and approaches
* Describe the general types of attacks (e.g. physical, network infrastructure, systems, applications, and user)

Identify modern security controls and relate them to modern threats
* Describe different types of available security controls (e.g. application, system, network, access, cryptographic)
* Describe Cisco specific security controls and the threats they mitigate

Design solutions and select Cisco products to protect the network infrastructure
* Describe the enterprise infrastructure security architectures
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures/products and design guidelines for securing the network infrastructure

Design solutions and select Cisco products to mitigate threats with enterprise Internet access
* Describe the enterprise Internet access architecture, threats and countermeasures
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures/products and design guidelines for securing the enterprise Internet access

Design solutions and select Cisco products to mitigate threats against enterprise exposed services and datacenters
* Describe the enterprise exposed services and datacenter architecture, threats and countermeasures
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures/products and design guidelines for securing the enterprise exposed services and datacenter

Design solutions and select Cisco products to mitigate threats against enterprise unified communications
* Describe the enterprise unified communications systems architecture, threats and countermeasures
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures and design guidelines for securing the enterprise unified communications systems using Cisco security products

Design solutions and select Cisco products to mitigate threats against the enterprise secure WAN
* Describe the enterprise secure WAN architecture, threats and countermeasures
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures/products and design guidelines for securing the enterprise secure WAN

Design solutions and select Cisco products to mitigate threats against enterprise secure remote access
* Describe the enterprise secure remote access architecture, threats and countermeasures
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures/products and design guidelines for securing remote access to the enterprise

Design solutions and select Cisco products to mitigate threats with enterprise secure wireless LAN access
* Describe the enterprise secure wireless LAN access architecture, threats and countermeasures
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures and design guidelines for securing the enterprise wireless secure LAN access using Cisco security products

Design an enterprise security management solution using Cisco security management products
* Explain Cisco-supported architectures/products and design guidelines for implementing Ciscoõs security management solutions

Sell web security solutions
* Articulate the value and features of Ironport solutions
* Articulate the value and features of Scansafe solutions