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Exam Code : AZ-301 - Jul 1,2024
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Exam Code : AZ-301 - Jul 1,2024

AZ-301 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies

Languages: English
Audiences: IT professionals
Technology: Microsoft Azure

This Training Cover
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam. View video tutorials about the variety of question types on Microsoft exams.

Do you have feedback about the relevance of the skills measured on this exam? Please send Microsoft your comments. All feedback will be reviewed and incorporated as appropriate while still maintaining the validity and reliability of the certification process. Note that Microsoft will not respond directly to your feedback. We appreciate your input in ensuring the quality of the Microsoft Certification program.

If you have concerns about specific questions on this exam, please submit an exam challenge.

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Note: There are exam updates effective as of March 11, 2019. To learn more about these changes and how they affect the skills measured, please download and review the Exam AZ-300 change document.

Deploy and Configure Infrastructure (25-30%)
Analyze resource utilization and consumption
May include but not limited to: Configure diagnostic settings on resources; create baseline for resources; create and rest alerts; analyze alerts across subscription; analyze metrics across subscription; create action groups; monitor for unused resources; monitor spend; report on spend; utilize Log Search query functions; view alerts in Azure Monitor logs
Create and configure storage accounts
May include but not limited to: Configure network access to the storage account; create and configure storage account; generate shared access signature; install and use Azure Storage Explorer; manage access keys; monitor activity log by using Azure Monitor logs; implement Azure storage replication
Create and configure a Virtual Machine (VM) for Windows and Linux
May include but not limited to: Configure high availability; configure monitoring, networking, storage, and virtual machine size; deploy and configure scale sets
Automate deployment of Virtual Machines (VMs)
May include but not limited to: Modify Azure Resource Manager template; configure location of new VMs; configure VHD template; deploy from template; save a deployment as an Azure Resource Manager template; deploy Windows and Linux VMs
Implement solutions that use virtual machines (VM)
May include but not limited to: Provision VMs; create Azure Resource Manager templates; configure Azure Disk Encryption for VMs
Create connectivity between virtual networks
May include but not limited to: Create and configure VNET peering; create and configure VNET to VNET; verify virtual network connectivity; create virtual network gateway
Implement and manage virtual networking
May include but not limited to: Configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual network
Manage Azure Active Directory (AD)
May include but not limited to: Add custom domains; configure Azure AD Identity Protection, Azure AD Join, and Enterprise State Roaming; configure self-service password reset; implement conditional access policies; manage multiple directories; perform an access review
Implement and manage hybrid identities
May include but not limited to: Install and configure Azure AD Connect; configure federation and single sign-on; manage Azure AD Connect; manage password sync and writeback

Implement Workloads and Security (20-25%)
Migrate servers to Azure
May include but not limited to: Migrate by using Azure Site Recovery; migrate using P2V; configure storage; create a backup vault; prepare source and target environments; backup and restore data; deploy Azure Site Recovery agent; prepare virtual network
Configure serverless computing
May include but not limited to: Create and manage objects; manage a Logic App resource; manage Azure Function app settings; manage Event Grid; manage Service Bus
Implement application load balancing
May include but not limited to: Configure application gateway and load balancing rules; implement front end IP configurations; manage application load balancing
Integrate on-premises network with Azure virtual network
May include but not limited to: Create and configure Azure VPN Gateway; create and configure site to site VPN; configure ExpressRoute; verify on-premises connectivity; manage on-premises connectivity with Azure
Manage role-based access control (RBAC)
May include but not limited to: Create a custom role; configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles; configure management access to Azure; troubleshoot RBAC; implement RBAC policies; assign RBAC roles
Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
May include but not limited to: Enable MFA for an Azure tenant; configure user accounts for MFA; configure fraud alerts; configure bypass options; configure trusted IPs; configure verification methods; manage role-based access control (RBAC); implement RBAC policies; assign RBAC Roles; create a custom role; configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles; configure management access to Azure

Create and Deploy Apps (5-10%)
Create web apps by using PaaS
May include but not limited to: Create an Azure App Service Web App; create documentation for the API; create an App Service Web App for containers; create an App Service background task by using WebJobs; enable diagnostics logging
Design and develop apps that run in containers
May include but not limited to: Configure diagnostic settings on resources; create a container image by using a Docker file; create an Azure Kubernetes Service; publish an image to the Azure Container Registry; implement an application that runs on an Azure Container Instance; manage container settings by using code

Implement Authentication and Secure Data (5-10%)
Implement authentication
May include but not limited to: Implement authentication by using certificates, forms-based authentication, tokens, or Windows-integrated authentication; implement multi-factor authentication by using Azure AD; implement OAuth2 authentication; implement Managed identities for Azure resources Service Principal authentication
Implement secure data solutions
May include but not limited to: Encrypt and decrypt data at rest and in transit; encrypt data with Always Encrypted; implement Azure Confidential Compute and SSL/TLS communications; create, read, update, and delete keys, secrets, and certificates by using the KeyVault API

Develop for the Cloud and for Azure Storage (20-25%)
Develop solutions that use Cosmos DB storage
May include but not limited to: Create, read, update, and delete data by using appropriate APIs; implement partitioning schemes; set the appropriate consistency level for operations
Develop solutions that use a relational database
May include but not limited to: Provision and configure relational databases; configure elastic pools for Azure SQL Database; create, read, update, and delete data tables by using code
Configure a message-based integration architecture
May include but not limited to: Configure an app or service to send emails, Event Grid, and the Azure Relay Service; create and configure Notification Hub, Event Hub, and Service Bus; configure queries across multiple products
Develop for autoscaling
May include but not limited to: Implement autoscaling rules and patterns (schedule, operational/system metrics, code that addresses singleton application instances); implement code that addresses transient state